Compassion Quotient

Tarsadia Foundation

Mahatma Gandhi famously said “in a gentle way, you can change the world;” a simple phrase that clearly and authentically communicates his vision for impact.

As we reflect on Tarsadia Foundation’s vision, and the family journey and values that have inspired us, we are reminded to lead with fearless humility - a bold and compassionate approach to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. This heart-led, fearless mindset was inspired by our grandfather’s humble beginnings in India and Zambia, as he made his way to the U.S. for a better life for his family, while impacting hundreds of thousands of others along the way.

"As human beings, it’s our duty on this earth to give back to others."

Bhikhu Patel

At Tarsadia Foundation, our approach to impact goes far beyond the numbers. While we value traditional metrics around areas like financial inclusion, health and education outcomes, food and housing access, we also know our partners bring a whole multitude of strengths to their communities that are often overlooked. Attributes such as leading with your heart, having compassion for others, uniting around shared values, expressing gratitude and so much more.

Driven by our belief that these types of characteristics are a significant driving force behind big change in this world and deserve to have a quantifiable value on the balance sheet, we developed the Compassion Quotient.

The Compassion Quotient values programs, partners and leaders that:

Fosters empathy, human connection and dignity

Inspire others to take action

Unlock curiosity and learning in others

Break down invisible walls that have marginalized communities around the globe

Lead with heart and the authentic self

Embrace failure, and a continuous learning journey